Sunday, August 3, 2014

Israel has no right to steal Palestinian lands,2014

Israel has no right to steal Palestinian lands
The daily star News

Israel has no right to steal Palestinian lands

It is David versus Goliath in Palestine. Israel possesses nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. The world's fourth largest exporter of arms, Israel is teeming with the latest high-tech weaponry. It has the highest defense spending to GDP ratio. It boasts of a high standard of living (per capita income of $35,600). Most importantly, Israel has the unequivocal political, economic, diplomatic and military backing of all western nations, notably the UK, and 100% backing of the world's only superpower, the United States.

Compared to the Israeli lion, Gaza is a mouse! Merely a strip, Gaza is only 25-mile long, and 3.5 to 7.5 mile wide. With an area of 139 square miles Gaza is 61-times smaller than Israel. Gaza is dirt poor and packs 1.8 million people, with a population density of 13,069 per square mile.  Gazans have homemade and inaccurate Qassam and Fajr rockets which they have fired into Israel, and have dug some medieval technology tunnels to take the fight inside Israel.

In retaliation, Israel has unleashed its mighty military on the people of Gaza, pulverised a significant part of Gaza through aerial and naval bombardment, and artillery shelling. To date, Israel has killed about 1,400 Gazans, mostly civilians, women and children. Thus far, Israel has suffered 50 military and 3 civilian deaths. For every Israeli civilian death, 400 Palestinian civilians have been murdered.

Israel deliberately bombed Gaza's only power station, which supplies electricity, and powers Gaza's water supply and sewage system. This is clearly a war crime. One would have expected the purveyors of democracy, the West, to cry foul!  They did not. It will be foolish to hold one's breath expecting the West to hold Israel accountable. They never do. Instead, they issue Israel a carte blanche to carry out state sponsored terrorism against Palestinian civilians. Netanyahu carries out atrocities supremely confident that Uncle Sam, which is in Israel's pocket, will always bail him out, and blame the Palestinians instead.

Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz spoke for the West when he said on CNN that those who criticise Israel's obliteration of Gaza are anti-American and anti-West. So, American and Western values condone Israeli genocide of civilians in Gaza? This is reminiscent of former British Prime Minister John Major's Freudian slip just before the first Iraqi war in 1991:  “The WEST cannot tolerate Saddam Hussein's actions in Kuwait!” Realizing the faux pas, he quickly corrected himself: “The WORLD cannot…”

If Herr Professor is behaving badly, the US Congress is far worse. All 100 Senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives (Congressmen) bend over backwards to support Israel to curry favour with the Almighty American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), however unseemly it may seem.

The Senate voted 100-0 to proclaim, “Israel has a right to defend itself.”  There was no mention of Palestinian civilian deaths. The House and Senate approved a resolution demanding that Hamas be disarmed. No sympathy was expressed for mounting Palestinians civilian deaths.  Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz threatened to block every presidential appointment until the FAA reversed its ban on flights of American carriers to Tel Aviv. The ban was reversed in 36 hours. Although the US “condemned” the bombing of children in the UN school, it did not hold Israel responsible!

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